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'Save Kerala'


A social media campaign to inform people on safe practices during floods


The Challenge

On 16 August 2018, severe floods affected the south Indian state Kerala, due to unusually high rainfall during the monsoon season. It was the worst flood in Kerala in nearly a century. Social media was rife with flood safety practices, helpline numbers and distress cries for help so much so that anyone who came across it might have been quite overwhelmed. 

''Save Kerala' was a passion project social media (Instagram) campaign aimed at communicating safe practices in a bite sized format through mostly illustrations - easy to digest and quick to assimilate.


Branding, Brand Guidelines Digital Marketing, Illustration, Art Direction


Graphic Designer


2 weeks


Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator


Design Thinking

I used the 'Design Thinking' framework to chalk out the design strategy of the project.

Stage 1: Empathise

I casually struck up conversations with friends on what they thought about the help provided to potential victims on social media through information exchanged on the platform. Most of them thought there was an overload of information and weren't sure it was reliable. Information was repetitive too but in varying formats and from different sources.

Stage 2: Define

With the information gathered, I could define the task facing me. The problem statement was 'Create a series of social media posters on flood survival, that would serve as an instant and credible guide to a potential victim.'

Stage 3: Ideation

I went through existing media campaigns across the globe, looked at several design styles and mood-boarded my finds to set the tone for visual identity of 'Save Kerala' social media campaign. 

Mind Map.jpg
Flood Survival Flat Design Moodboard.PNG
Stage 4: Prototype

I decided on illustrations for the design style for visual appeal and to maintain uniformity. All illustrations were developed by myself.

Sketch 2.jpg
Poster 5-01.jpg
Poster 3-01.jpg
Poster 7-01.jpg




Stage 5: Testing

Having created the posters, I set out to understand if the larger crowd were able to quickly assimilate content better than before. 

7/10 people remembered more than 5 messages from among the 9 Instagram posters showed to them earlier in the day

10/10 people were thought the content to be more reliable than before


I considered this a successful outcome and proceeded to share them on Instagram.

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